We are currently enrolling NEW students for the 2025-2026 School Year!

Register now with the $200 registration fee and reserve your space for the 2025-2026 school year!

Registration and Enrollment Process:

We are thrilled that you have decided to send your child to St. Antoninus School! We love our school and are looking forward to officially welcoming you to our family. To begin the enrollment process, you must contact our school office to register in person or to schedule a tour and to receive registration information.

Erica Steinbeck, Office Manager – Steinbeck@saintantoninus.org
Marianne Rosemond, Principal  – Rosemond@saintantoninus.org

513-922-2500 ext 2000

Our Tuition and Policies

Below are the tuition rates for the 2025-2026 school year approved by Finance Council. Our tuition structure has changed to better support our school’s needs.

Payment due with new and returning enrollments (non-refundable):

  • New Students K-8, $200 per student
  • Returning students (grades 1-8) $200 per student

1 Child 2 Children 3 Children 4 Children 5 Children 6 Children
Tuition 2025-2026 $6,766 $13,532 $20,298 $27,064 $33,830 $40,596
Registration Fee $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200
Tuition + Registration $6,966 $13,932 $20,898 $27,864 $34,830 $41,796

Families may apply for the Catholic Education Fund monies through FACTS, nearly everyone will qualify!

If tuition payments are made in one or two payments, you can also receive a 40% discount!

Details are available at the school office.

FACTS Registration


  • The in-parish tuition rate is established for those whom the Parish has determined to be active, registered, contributing members of St. Antoninus Church.
  • All tuition payments must be current in order to register for the new school year.
  • All families of a graduating 8th grader will be subject to withdrawal from St. Antoninus if tuition is not current by April 30, 2025.
  • In the event your financial institution returns a payment, a $40 FACTS returned payment fee will be automatically processed from your account.
  • All late FACTS payments will incur a $40 late fee.
    • Additional FACTS Fees:
      • $20 for one tuition payment plan
      • $20 for two tuition payment plan
      • $46  for three of more tuition payment plan
      • $30 grant and aid application fee
      • 85% credit card per transaction fee
      • $10 fee for changing a tuition payment date more than two times
  • Tuition assistance is available to in-parish students in grades 1-8 with a completed FACTS Tuition/Aid Grant online application.  One application will suffice for both the CEF grant and Tuition Assistance through St. Antoninus. Deadline to apply for St. Antoninus financial assistance through the Arlene Vallejos Tuition Assitance Program is January 31, 2025.

Withdrawal of Students

  • Written notification must be submitted to the School Office at least two weeks before the effective date of the withdrawal.  A Request for Records Release must be signed by the parent/legal guardian.
  • Tuition must be current and up to date before student records can be release or sent to any other institution.
  • The cost of a child’s education is a full school year expense.  Parents need to understand that books, teaching supplies, and materials are purchased, teachers and support staff are hired, and classrooms are prepared with the anticipation of each student’s full-year enrollment.  As a result St. Antoninus School has established the specific policies and guidelines regarding students who withdraw from school.  Please note enrollment fees (as stated above) are NON-REFUNDABLE.
Withdraw before June 1
Full Refund
Withdraw before the first day of the school year
Payment due: June and July
Withdraw from the 1st Day through December 15
Payment due: June 1 through the end of the month of withdrawal
Withdraw After December 15 No Refund

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